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The vision for this house Miracle Revival Cathedral is to provide and maintain a Christian environment to shape our future growth, through a shared vision, driven by mutual purpose, discernment and love shown freely to one another. 


God's Present aim for Miracle Revival Cathedral, corporately and individually, is to live a Holy life manifested by obedience to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Prayer and the pursuit of God's glory shall be an integral part of our Church body, believing that the effectual prayers will bring the result God has designed for His Kingdom. 


Our goal is to equip each believer for the work of the ministry, reaching out to one another and the community at large. Our goal is to edify one another-doing all that God commands so that His Word is manifested on earth.

​Today, ministry means preparedness to address a myriad of complex social problems, while being consistent in offering bible-based spiritual enrichment as we help those in need, by providing housing. job training, and jobs to our communities, focusing on children and veterans. MRC has always and continues to improve upon the quality of ministry delivered. Understanding that a significant part of that also means diversity in ministry ensuring that everyone plays a part. This ministry is driven by a genuine concern for souls and a clearly defined mission aimed at addressing the spiritual needs of everyone it reaches.

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